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sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2019


Hi, guys!
Thinking about winter, I came to show beautiful clothes from SHEIN. 💙❄
In the SHEIN shop you find clothes for all styles, occasions, and seasons! It's awesome!

Below are some beautiful clothes that I chose. And best of all, you can buy them using my discount code: Q1karolsulliva15

I loved this coat so much. He is super comfortable and very elegant.
💙 You can find it HERE

OMG and this dress, what perfection! I loved it too much. Beyond beautiful is super stylish.
💙 You can find it HERE

I really wanted this animal print coat. And I loved it! It heats very well and is super stylish.
💙 You can find it HERE

This is another perfect coat! I loved it
💙 You can find it HERE

This look is so perfect. This is a shorter coat and it wears very well. I loved
💙 You can find it HERE

 🎬I posted a video talking about coats. You can watch it below:

Xo, Karol 💋

quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018


Hi my loves! 
Winter is approaching and nothing better than wearing warm, beautiful and elegant clothes.
SHEIN is the right place to find perfect clothes for the coldest season of the year! ❄
I'm already ready for the arrival of winter with beautiful SHEIN coats.💙

And the great news is that you will get a 20% SHEIN discount using the code: karols20

I loved that red coat. It is super well stitched, of excellent quality. I'm in love with him.
💖You can find it HERE

This jacket, besides being beautiful, is very warm. Perfect for winter. This one also won my heart.
💖You can find it HERE

 Remember that at SHEIN you find hundreds of types of coats, and clothes for all seasons. Enjoy!

Xo, Karol 💋

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018


Oi amores!

Fiz algumas receitas maravilhosas, lá no canal! E aqui abaixo estão as três receitas. 
O vídeo também está logo abaixo, caso ainda não tenha assistido. 😉💓 

🌸 PRIMEIRA RECEITA: Mousse de Maracujá

  • 1 lata de leite condensado
  • 1 lata de suco de maracujá, medida pela lata de leite condensado
  • 2 latas de creme de leite 

Modo de preparo:

Bata todos os ingredientes em um liquidificador por 3 minutos.
Em uma tigela, despeje a mistura e deixe no congelador por no mínimo 4 horas.

🥘 SEGUNDA RECEITA: Torta de Liquidificador

  • 3 ovos inteiros
  • 1 xícara (chá) de óleo
  • 2 xícaras (chá) de leite
  • 2 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo
  • sal a gosto 
  • 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó

Modo de preparo:

Bata todos os ingredientes da massa no liquidificador
Em uma forma untada, coloque metade da massa 
Recheie a gosto
Cubra a torta com a outra metade da massa
Leve ao forno aquecido, deixe até dourar

🍍 TERCEIRA RECEITA: Sagu de Abacaxi

  • 130 g de sagu
  • 6 xícaras (chá) de água (900ml)
  • 1 lata de abacaxi 
  • 1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
  • 4 xícaras (chá) de água (600ml)
  • 1 lata de leite condensado
  • 1 lata de creme de leite

Modo de preparo:

Coloque o sagu de molho com a água (900ml) e deixe por 1 hora. Cozinhe o sagu na mesma água do molho até que fique transparente. Faca um doce com o abacaxi picado, a água (600ml) e o açúcar. Cozinhe por 15 minutos. Depois que o doce estiver frio, misture o sagu cozido, o leite condensado e o creme de leite. Sirva gelado. 

Beijos, Karol 💋

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2018


Oi pessoal!

Hoje vamos falar sobre perfumes . Sou apaixonada por perfumes e adoro descobrir novos aromas.💓

Em Sylvaine Delacourte Paris encontramos fragrâncias maravilhosas que certamente combinarão perfeitamente com você.
Todos os perfumes e velas são produzidos em Paris, na França e são compostos por ingredientes naturais em mais de 80%.
Por apenas US $ 4 você pode obter a caixa com 5 maravilhosas fragrâncias pequenas. Você pode obtê-las AQUI

Estou apaixonada por duas novas coleções que são Vanilla e Musks.
Ambos têm cheiros incríveis que dificultam a escolha de um só. Você vai amar.

Você pode obter um desconto de 20% nas suas compras usando o código:  FIRST20

🌸 Para conhecer melhor a coleção de baunilha, clique AQUI

🌸 Conheça a coleção Musks AQUI

Eu sou apaixonada por velas e essa da Sylvaine Delacourte é maravilhosa!
Você pode encontrá-la AQUI

Para conhecer todos os produtos da  Sylvaine Delacourte Paris , basta clicar  AQUI

Gravei um vídeo mostrando alguns produtos que estou usando da loja Sylvaine Delacourt Paris! 😍

Para assistir, basta clicar abaixo 👇

Beijos, Karol 💋


Hi guys!

Today we are going to talk about perfumes. I am passionate about perfumes and I love discovering new aromas.💓

In Sylvaine Delacourte Paris we find wonderful fragrances that will surely combine perfectly with you.
All perfumes and candles are produced in Paris, France and are composed of natural ingredients in more than 80%.
For only $ 4 you can get the box with 5 wonderful little frangrances. You can get them HERE

I'm in love with two new collections that are Vanilla and Musks.
Both have incredible smells that make it difficult to choose just one. You will love.

You can get a 20% discount on your purchases using the code: FIRST20

🌸 You can know better the vanilla collection HERE

🌸 Meet the Musks Collection HERE

I am passionate about candles and this one from Sylvaine Delacourte is wonderful!
You can find it HERE

To know all the products of Sylvaine Delacourte Paris, just click HERE

I recorded a video showing some products I'm using from the Sylvaine Delacourt Paris store 😍
To watch, just click below 👇

Xoxo, Karol 💋

sábado, 14 de julho de 2018


Hi guys!
I know that many of you accompany me for the tips I share here. And today I came to talk about a super special store for me, that surely won my heart! 😍
I'm talking about the NOVASHE store.
In the NOVASHE shop you will find beautiful clothes for all styles.
And of course, I got some clothes and I came to show everything to you. 💓

Another thing that is super cool in the NOVASHE store and that always has super special discounts. Look below:

So, let's see all the clothes I got.

The first dress I chose was this beautiful, long, floral dress. Simply perfect! I loved the fabric, the print, the length, anyway, it's wonderful!

💓 You can find it HERE

I chose this dress because it was beautiful. His details enchanted me. Besides, the fabric is wonderful, the dress is well structured. Well done. Loved it!

💓 You can find it HERE

I chose this jacket bomber, super beautiful and comfortable! It has a thinner fabric, but is very well made. Besides the picture that is perfect!

💓 You can find it HERE

And finally, I chose that red dress that is also very beautiful.
I was in love with those details up my sleeve. Simply perfect!
💓 You can find it HERE

So this is my love I hope you have enjoyed it, and do not forget that in the NOVASHE store you will find hundreds of other models and styles of clothing. I'm sure you'll love it !!!

Xo, Karol 💋

sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2018

New looks Shein shop

Hi my loves! Today I came to show you two pieces of beautiful clothes from the SHEIN store.
I photographed the looks and the photos are just below!

Remember that in the SHEIN shop you will find clothes of all styles and for all kinds of occasions. Many of them have special discounts. Do not lose and enjoy!

The first outfit I chose was this beautiful blazer in this light pink tone. A love!
🌸 You can find it HERE

The second clothes I chose, was a super gorgeous jumpsuit that wears very well and has a wonderful print! I loved it so much!
🌸You can find it HERE

Xo, Karol 💋